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Home » Carnival in Rio » Funny but True Carnival Stories

Rock Hudson does Carnaval in Rio - 1958 Carnival is a party where everybody lets it all hang loose... It's time to forget inhibitions, wear a wild costume, play a character, live your fantasies. Carnival has a different effect on each person. Some go too far, though, and when they are world celebrities, the inevitable bloopers and funny stories make the headlines.

We have a long memory. In 1958 Hollywood icon Rock Hudson spent Carnaval in Rio. He attended the luxury costume balls that were de rigueur by then. Someone with slipped across his chest a banner reading "Princess of Carnival". We do not think there was any malice, nobody questioned his orientation then.

Prince Charles and Pina at Carnaval in Rio A young Prince Charles spent Carnaval 1978 in Rio. He was introduced to legendary passita Piná in a luxury ball. She did her best to show him some steps, and he was a great sport. As samba requires a bit of training, he improvised with a few Charleston steps. Thirty years later when he came back with Camilla he was a little more contained...

Grace Jones was also here, as the guest of a famous brewery to watch the Samba Parade from their box. At some point she ended up with her boyfriend in the restroom for some privacy. They were almost mistaken by a gay couple. Someone intervened in time.

Madonna and other stars enjoying Carnaval in RioJean Paul Gaultier was seen doing the conga on the stage of a gay Carnival Ball. The same one where we had to our our best effort to get a smile from Linda Evangelista, who looked bored out of her wits. Madonna, Paris Hilton, so many others have been here for the high season that funny stories keep piling up.

We are going to share a few that we remember or witnessed. Read on and find out what's in common between a president , a transvestite, a young man in his birthday suit, three pink poodles, and a bunch of gold balloons. And if you want, go ahead and blame it on Rio. We don't mind!

Funny but True Stories
The President & The Pussycatch
Tv Gives Away Tv at Large
Duh... seen my band-aid anyone?
The Mistery of the Pink Poodle?
For Whom the Balloons Rattle

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